1. When choosing exterior home paint, consider the surroundings, light orientation, details, and of course, your personal taste.
2. You can mix and match cool tones like grays, blues, and even black, or go warm with palettes that include everything from sunny yellows to bubblegum pink.
3. Painting your home is an easy way to boost its value and refresh its vibe.
Transform your home’s look with a fresh coat of paint! Picking the perfect color can make a huge difference, but we know it’s not easy—choosing can be overwhelming. Don’t stress! Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you select the best exterior home paint and ensure that your home’s first impression (its facade) leaves a lasting impact.
Your Home’s Surroundings: First, consider the context—the color should complement its surroundings. Is your home nestled in lush greenery, or is it set against an urban gray backdrop? If your main tone is warm, we suggest pastel shades; if cooler, try greens or blue-grays.
Pay Attention to Details: Using bold colors on trims that contrast with your garden or the asphalt street can really make your home pop.
The Orientation of Your Home: Light affects how colors look, so when choosing a shade, consider whether your home is in the shade (which might dull the color) or if it catches the sunset, making the color more vibrant.
Your Taste Matters: We can give you all the tips for picking the perfect exterior paint, but what really matters is your personality—the color should reflect who you are.
You may also be interested in: Selecting roof shingle color: a professional guide (link al artículo)
(From design we can create the color palettes mentioned here).
Before you start painting, make sure your home is in good shape (link to the warning signs article). Regular painting not only revitalizes your home’s appearance but can also enhance its market value if you decide to sell. It’s a rewarding DIY project that boosts curb appeal and makes your home look more inviting and elegant!